Mango, known as the king of tropical fruits, has a long history. It was grown more than 4000 years ago, ranking fifth in the world's largest fruit production.
Formerly, fruits and vegetables were dried in the sun to be able to stock up on food in times of scarcity. Currently there are still areas in Asia where they continue to use this drying technique to dehydrate fruits and vegetables.
Its main characteristic is late maturity, due to the geographic location and the altitude. The same variety of mango in other areas of Southeast Asia ripens 4-5 months earlier than ours.
Its flavor, the high content of nutrients of the same variety is 1.2% - 2.5% higher, than that of other mangoes produced in Asia. Dabiola mangoes due to the extra sunlight they have during the growing season acquires a very intense and bright color.
Our production process does not use pesticides, chemical fertilizers or growth regulators. Preservatives accepted by the European Union are used to prevent the growth of microorganisms, discoloration and oxidation. It is an environmentally friendly production.
Unicef for every child An estimated 151.6 million children are victims of child labor, especially vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. The term “child labor” is often defined as all work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is detrimental to their physical and psychological development.